Art Department

If you like to draw and have a driving interest in animation and art in video games, you're in the right place!

Here in the Art Department, we're all about making video games visually and artistically appealing and memorable. Our goal is to provide you with the tools and skills you need to pursue art careers in the game industry, while also helping you build up your art portfolios.

What do we do?

Our department handles a majority of the visual elements seen in a lot of our club's games. We create almost every visual element, from character animations to character portraits to the user interface players interact with.

We also host weekly workshops to teach members the process of making art for video games and what software is used to do so. Some of these workshops are meetings for our Art Strike Team, which consists of artists working together to create assets for different game projects in the club.

If you're interested in joining the Art Strike team or want to learn more about it, please contact Estey Boiling (namiwami), Mia Murasaki (deltamiyo), Zoi Meaders (Blueish),, Joyce Mai (mirrorcube), Stephany Lam (empty_steph),  or Yeeun Min (sihobaek) on our club's Discord.

What do we teach?

Because art has many roads for learning, we focus on topics specific to making art for video games. These include:

Sprite animations

Animation for both 2D and 3D

UI art design

Environmental Art

Tile sets

Vector art

Pixel Art

Basics of Blender and Maya



Prop and Character Design

Industry Relevance

Having an art background opens up a lot of art careers in the industry. Some of these include:

Character Artist 

Concept Artist

Environmental Artist

Illustrative Artist

FX Artist

Storyboard Artist 

Sketch Artist

Technical Artist

2D Animator 

3D Animator

3D Artist

Graphic Designer

Visual Designer

Visual Artist

Software and Tools

Here are some of the applications we use for work in the Art Department.


What is Art Strike and how do I join?

We have a presentation that will tell you everything you need to know about our Art Strike Team here.

Should I have background experience in art before joining Art Strike?

It's recommended you have some understanding of a few basic art fundamentals (form and structure, shapes and geometry, linework, composition, color theory, perspective, lighting and shading, etc.) so you hit the ground running. If you have experience making pixel art or previous experience drawing and using digital art software, you should be fine!

To do the kind of work we do in this department, you'll need an art tablet and stylus, since most of our work is digital.

Do I need to be a member of Art Strike to attend Art Workshops?

Nope! Everyone is welcome to come to our workshops! :)

Header banner by Sarah Brown @