About Us

Our Mission

We are students, alumni, faculty, and industry professionals dedicated to teaching students how to make games. Through our work, we aim to help those pursuing long-term careers in game development break into the industry.

Our mission is to cultivate the game development interest on campus and provide an enriching environment for aspiring student developers to learn and grow.

Multidisciplinary Education

While learning how to code makes up a core part of game development, coding for games is not the only subject we teach to other students.

Alongside programming, we teach other game dev fundamentals in areas such as Art, Audio, Game Design, Production, Writing, and UX/UI.

Check out our departments

Diversity in Game Dev

We strive to promote diversity and inclusion in our games and among our membership. With an academically, culturally, and skillfully diverse student body, we continue upholding our mission to promoting acceptance, diversity, and inclusion within our club.

It is through this diversification that makes up our unique creations and builds a supportive and friendly community. Many of us are students with a drive and passion for game development, and every day is another opportunity for us to learn something new!

Events and Networking

We believe strongly in getting out there and doing something to learn and improve. To enrich game development education, we provide numerous opportunities for our members to gain hands-on experience in game development and network with professionals in the field.

These include:

Interested in joining?

If you're interested in joining our club, that's awesome!

There's no official sign-up process or membership fee to join. Being active and participating on our Discord server is all it takes to become a member!

Have questions?

Email us at vgdc@uci.edu if you have any questions about our club and what we do.

Alternatively, you can join our Discord and PM any of our officers with your questions!

Want to sponsor us?

You can help us enrich game development education at UC Irvine by sponsoring our club! All funds will go directly into the events and networking opportunities we host for our student membership, and in-return, we provide outreach and media support for your company/organization!

Interested? Email us at vgdc@uci.edu.

Photos courtesy of Diane Sparks