Mentoring Expectations

UCI Expectations for Mentor Support:

*Please note: ​UCI Supervisors will provide our teacher candidates with support throughout the school year. Mentor Teachers are encouraged to contact program coordinators if they have any questions or concerns. 

Mentor teachers are responsible for completing the following during the school year:

UCI Mentor Teacher Evaluation of Candidate (Sample Form)

Mentor Teacher Evaluation of Student Teacher 

(completed by the mentor teacher in QuestionPro at the end of each quarter)

Mentoring Practices and Tools

From the UCI MT Modules:*

*Each module counts for 1 hour of PD for new mentor teachers.  

Adapted from the work at the University of Washington, College of Education 

Explain your reasoning behind decisions you make, or the ways you respond in professional situations.

Discuss your decision making process for both planned and spontaneous decisions. 

Discuss alternative decisions and consequences.

Share what guides your decision making process.

Analyzing student work together introduces your student teacher to formative assessment. 

 Together you are able to uncover patterns in student learning and discuss how this data informs future planning.

Allow your student teacher to participate in the planning process with you.  

Discuss your learning goals and how you backwards plan.  

This is a great way to talk about aligning assessments, time management, student engagement, etc.

Student teachers benefit from short conversations before and after teaching (or observing) a lesson.  

This applies to lessons taught by the mentor or the student teacher.

What are some "invisible" instructional routines or practices you use to support student learning? How can you make these "invisible" practices "visible" for your student teacher?

Explain how you (some examples)

Two teachers working together to support student learning. Co-teaching includes planning, teaching and assessment and may take on different forms.