What is the edTPA?

As required by SB2042, all credential candidates in California must complete a Teaching Performance Assessment (TPA). At UCI our credential candidates complete the edTPA, used nationally, during winter quarter (January - March). The edTPA was developed at the Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, and Equity (SCALE). The assessment is based on the PACT Teaching Event, which UCI Credential Programs used prior to the edTPA. The edTPA is used in 40 states, with 12 states using the edTPA to license new teachers within a teacher credential program.

What will your student teacher do for the edTPA?

For the edTPA, credential candidates are required to plan, teach and video record a learning segment in their specific content area (Math, Science, Social Science, Art, World Language, or English). Candidates will analyze student work samples from the learning segment to plan for next steps. As candidates plan and teach their learning segment, they incorporate academic language and reflect on their teaching practice.

A learning segment consists of 3-5 consecutive lessons to develop content understandings related to academic content standards around a central focus (specific topic). Candidates plan the learning segment using knowledge about students and their learning needs to identify instructional supports and assessments. Planned lessons should engage students in learning tasks using current subject specific pedagogy in the content area of instruction.  

*Candidates will submit their completed portfolio for scoring as part of a national pool by the beginning of April.  

edTPA Learning Segment

Task 1: Planning

 Task 2: Instruction

Task 3: Assessment

How do mentor teachers support their candidate?

We request the Mentor Teacher’s assistance in supporting our candidates by: 

When is the edTPA due?

The edTPA is due in April. Your candidate will receive support through fall and winter quarters (October - March).  

Candidates will receive support through monthly seminars to unpack the handbook and rubrics and have ongoing instruction from their content–specific methods instructors.  

Suggested Timeline

This is a suggested timeline to support your candidate's completion of each section of the edTPA. While some flexibility is available for each candidate, depending on the scheduling needs of both the mentor teacher and the student teacher, adhering to these timing suggestions is preferable.




edTPA Overview for Mentor Teachers

SS+CT_edTPA Overview for UCI Mentor Teachers 2023-2024

Video Release Forms

Student teachers will work with their mentor teacher regarding permission slips.

Vietnamese_English Video Release Form.pdf


Spanish_English Video Release Form.pdf


English Video Release Form.pdf
