[stream of consciousness]

a look inside my brain

about me

Hi! My name is Janice and I'm a first-year at UC Irvine studying Public Health Policy. In my free time, I enjoy spending quality time with friends, listening to music, and writing songs. I appreciate all things strange, surreal, nihilistic, and humorous (as you'll see from my choice of images). I'm really enjoying HumCore so far because of the passion and dedication that clearly goes into every one of the lectures. I have always had a lot of interest in literature, so this class is a great avenue for me to broaden those interests and exercise my critical thinking skills.

Fast Facts:

stream of consciousness

For me, this digital archive will be used primarily as a vessel for me to get my thoughts down without feeling burdened by the need to present a perfect, polished version of my inner ramblings. I will write using a stream of consciousness method, jotting down whatever comes to mind and documenting anything I found memorable or note-worthy. In this day-and-age, all of us are collectors of something: whether it's photographs of our lives, NFTs, memes, or anonymous Twitter rants.

Gen-Z, more than any other generation in time, are documenting moments from our lives and putting them onto the Internet for a greater audience to see. Sharing media, engaging in complex social interactions on various media sharing platforms, is second nature to us now. Although I am more private about sharing details about myself online, I still find myself texting my friends and family whenever I have something even remotely exciting to share. I am fluent in Internet culture and lingo, and my personal taste is mostly composed of nihilism and cat memes, as pictured to the right.

That being said, it all seems so vapid and empty sometimes. Simultaneously shameless and self-conscious, we preach self-love and self-confidence while constantly engaging in the comparison game and obsessing over what to caption our Instagram posts. As a collector of materials and assembler of ideas, I myself am a conundrum of different ideas taken from a variety of cultures, sub-spaces, and sources. My hope is that this archive allows me to bring some order to the chaos raging on in my head-- and perhaps give you some clarity and insight into your own.