The Surreal School Bus

Victor's Nelvana Shows. "The Magic School Bus - In A Beehive - Ep. 30 " YouTube, May 15, 2021. Accessed 2/14/2022.

Scholastic Entertainment, The Magic School Bus Logo, 2020. Deadline. Web. Accessed 02/14/2021.

When I was younger, I was never allowed to watch Disney Channel, Nickelodeon, Spongebob Squarepants, or even The Wiggles. My childhood television experience was carried by PBS Kids, and The Magic School Bus remains a favorite of mine from my youth. Mrs. Frizzle, her class of engaged students, their pet iguana Liz, and, of course, their extraordinary, shape-shifting school bus captured my heart and mind as a child. Today, as a student in HumCore studying surrealism and surrealist art, I look back on The Magic School Bus and can finally appreciate the show in all its uncanny glory.

Thanks to the readings and lectures from the past few weeks of HumCore, I now know that surrealism (specifically surrealist animals) is incredibly prevalent in media targeted at young audiences. It serves as an effective tool to foster engagement in children’s television, and Magic School Bus is a perfect example. The two episodes I’d like to highlight specifically are “The Magic School Bus Gets Eaten” (Season 1, Episode 4) and “The Magic School Bus: In A Beehive” (Season 3, Episode 1); both these episodes involve the class diving (in one episode, literally) head-first into animal habitats and animal-ruled worlds to learn their science lesson for the day. In both these episodes, surrealist animations and situations use animals to simultaneously reflect realities already familiar to its young viewers, while bringing to life an uncanny fantasy world that focuses on animal-human relations.

Victor's Nelvana Shows. "The Magic School Bus - Gets Eaten - Ep. 2." YouTube, May 15, 2021.

In most Magic School Bus episodes, Mrs. Frizzle takes her class on an incredible adventure that allows them to experience the world from a new perspective - usually involving shrinking, growing, or morphing into another creature. In the premiere season’s fourth episode, entitled “The Magic School Bus Gets Eaten”, the bus transforms itself from boat to fish, and ultimately to a fish-bus to scale with microscopic phytoplankton, which the students get to be up close and personal with as they learn about the food chain. The animalization of the bus is a surrealist image that serves as a buffer between the human and animal worlds; when the bus grows fins and a tail, it is now able to cross the boundary from land to water, from human to animal. In combining the familiarity of elementary-school concepts such as show-and-tell, field trips, and classroom discussions with an unfamiliar classroom environment and an unconventional teacher, Magic School Bus creates uncanny animal imagery.

The students perform normal classroom activities while phytoplankton swim amongst them, and eventually a fish even consumes them. The show’s fantastic use of surrealism creates a spectacular learning environment for the students in the show, and a unique and interesting method of teaching the young viewers of the program.

Episode one of the third season of Magic School Bus follows the class into a beehive, where they learn the intricacies of bee life - by becoming bees themselves. The animation in the episode literally combines the physical being of the students and bees. The surrealist image of animal bodies with human heads allows the humans to ‘be the bees’, while retaining their human minds. While the students’ heads remain in their human form, their tongues take the form of a honeybee’s proboscis, which allows them to slurp honey up in a bee-like manner. The mouth, then, becomes the ultimate point of intersection between bee and human, allowing students to eat like insects but speak like people.

Victor's Nelvana Shows. "The Magic School Bus - In A Beehive - Ep. 30 " YouTube, May 15, 2021. Accessed 2/14/2022.

Victor's Nelvana Shows. "The Magic School Bus - In A Beehive - Ep. 30 " YouTube, May 15, 2021. Accessed 2/14/2022.

In the beehive, the students also learn how to ‘dance’ like bees, learning how bees communicate with one another. The resulting inter-species understanding and socialization is surreal in the animal contexts, but reflects the interaction with a diverse society that young students are navigating for the first time. Magic School Bus uses this form of animal surrealism to reflect and reiterate the importance of such social interaction and mutual understanding.

At its heart, The Magic School Bus is one of the best examples of how effective surrealism can be in education, especially when it makes use of animals. Surrealism and surrealist animal interactions in The Magic School Bus brings to life childhood fantasy worlds and reflects childhood realities simultaneously. This combination of fantastical dream-land and educational reality familiar to young students embodies the pillars of the surrealist movement, which aims to blur the boundaries between dreams and reality. Magic School Bus is not only a core childhood memory for a number of individuals from my generation, but analysis of its animation style and the way it merges human and animal worlds also proves that surrealism remains prevalent, even for young audiences.

Works Cited

Scholastic Entertainment, The Magic School Bus Logo, 2020. Deadline.
. Web. Accessed 02/14/2021.

Scholastic. Mrs. Frizzle and her Students. National Science Foundation, 2010.
. Web. Accessed 2/14/2022.

Scholastic. Watch The Magic School Bus on Netflix. Netflix. Web. Accessed 2/14/22.

Victor's Nelvana Shows. "The Magic School Bus - Gets Eaten - Ep. 2." YouTube, May 15, 2021. Accessed 2/14/2022.

Victor's Nelvana Shows. "The Magic School Bus - In A Beehive - Ep. 30 " YouTube, May 15, 2021. Accessed 2/14/2022.