
This fall in Humanities core, our focus is largely medieval and Biblical - from Marie de France to Ovid to Shakespeare himself. We delved into these texts with our theme in mind, focusing on the way animals are depicted in each one and how the writings reflect animal/human relationships. Bestiaries and Bibles comprised the beginning of our Fall quarter; we spent plenty of time observing the enchanting and often entertaining illustrations of each animal, done by an artist who likely had close to no idea what these creatures looked like. It was a brand new area of study for me, and thoroughly interesting to explore - I hope you feel the same way!

The Ultimate Female Supervillains

The sirens of the Bodleian Bestiary, as compared with the mermaids we know and love today.

A Less White Midsummer's Night

My adaptation of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream, interpreted in a less conventional but far more interesting way (if I do say so myself).

The Rat Race

How we can learn and interpret lessons about society and politics from Persian author Obeyd Zakani's Gorby and the Rats.

For a more behind-the-scenes look at fall quarter, check out my Fall Reflection!