Research Proposal

Effects of Pandemic Technology on Undergraduate Students’ In-person Social Interactions

I wrote this research proposal to get readers to support my research about how pandemic technology affects our in-person social interactions. It helped me clearly outline how I was going to construct my research paper and what steps I will take in the following weeks to accomplish my goal. Writing this proposal, I realized that coming up with a narrow topic is relatively hard for me because I like to answer multiple questions related to a field. The people who peer-reviewed my paper provided me with some good insight on how to narrow my focus by reformulating my research questions. Ultimately, I shifted my research questions to focus more on technology rather than isolation in the pandemic. I also think that I improved my transitional phrases from sentence to sentence, which was important to form cohesive statements in all of my sections. Overall, I really think this assignment was just as important to my readers as it was to me because of how it helped me to focus on a topic narrow enough to research during this time period.

Research Proposal - Jacob Yu