Data Collection Instrument

Personally, this was one of my favorite assignments to do because I was really excited to conduct primary research for my research paper. I learned a lot of procedures relating to ethics such as how we should not ask for identifying information or personally sensitive questions unless we get approval from a committee (which we did not get in this assignment). I also learned how most of our questions should be likert-scale questions of some form to assess our population, while open-ended questions are generally limited due to the time and effort it takes to answer the question. I believe that one of my struggles was the formatting of the survey (finding the right percentages, using a linear scale instead of multiple choice, etc.) because I have never worked on a project like this before. I also kind of struggled with wording the open-ended questions at first, but I think I currently have questions that are worded clearly for the participant and will present meaningful findings. Overall, everything went smoothly, and I hope to conduct more research like this in the future to gain more experience.