
During this reflection, I tried to view all of my strengths and weaknesses in an honest light. I enjoyed this course a lot because of all of the experience I got with writing in different genres, but I still know I need to work on certain aspects as this was my first time working with genres like the annotated bibliography and research proposal. I knew some of the UWP outcomes, such as editing peers' work through workshops, but I also came across new topics like writing a survey during this course. This reflection was a great way for me to identify which outcomes I still need to work on. The outcome I want to improve on the most is the research outcome because I would love to get familiar with the field associated with that outcome. If I can write well within that genre, I think that it will be great for future opportunities. I could probably spend less time on outcomes that I had already worked on, such as rhetorical concepts. Overall, I really enjoyed this class and how it identified what I can still work on to be successful in the future!

Reflection Essay - Jacob Yu