Targetting Millenials

Targeting what matters to millennials is vital for the advertising industry, always attentive to connecting local and global communities to their clients. For instance, companies and corporations are more than prepared to invest in those marketing strategies, hoping to define what most millennials care for. 

The advent of cause-related marketing strategies radically influences even the role of advertisers and marketers within the industry. Millennials recognize companies' responsibility in social matters and how consumers' choices can impact society. Accordingly, when they identify a brand that stands for a cause they are interested in, they will pledge loyalty to that brand. During the 2019 conference of the American Academy of Advertising, attendees stressed the importance of brand activism, a new vision that "truly focuses on the role brands and agencies play in society through their messaging, rather than increasing donations to a cause "(AAA). Brand activism does not mean just supporting some charitable project by giving some money, but it is about identifying your brand as committed to a cause. Nike is a leader in this emerging concept of mission-centered companies. Their website is a clear example of socio-related branding.