The Power of advertising

Advertising allows clients to promote their products, and brand companies, enhance business revenue, and distribute services.

Recent studies show how people are more likely to accept a message as accurate when they somehow identify with the "story" delivering that message. In "Three Stories About Capitalism," socio-psychologist Jonathan Haidt explains the importance of "stories" as rhetorical instruments of persuasion.

"…human reasoning does not take place in a logical world based on facts; it takes place in an emotional world based on stories...we did not even write these stories; we imbibed them, we trained them in as we grow up, we were not even able to tell them to ourselves. But when we see something, we hear something that fits with our favorite stories we can feel a familiarity, and that tags it as true" (Haidt).

Apprentices should learn how to screen the audience by identifying those "stories" that matter to the people they are talking with. Establishing empathetic connections is the main goal for each advertiser who wants to achieve efficient communication.