
Having compassion for ourselves, not only during our recovery, but throughout our lives, can be an extremely difficult task. The below resources are meant to help you begin to cultivate self compassion and begin to hold space for yourself to feel and be as you are.

Introduction to Self Compassion

In this video, Dr. Kristen Neff introduces 3 components of self compassion. Note that we have cut the video to only show the relevant parts, but you are welcome to watch the full TED Talk!

The Self Compassion Break

This is a guided meditation led by Dr. Kristen Neff. During this recording, remember that you only need to act on suggestions if they feel okay to you. When prompted to choose a difficult situation, use something that will be minor to moderate, not that will overwhelm you. When prompted to breathe or place hand on heart center, only do so if that feels okay to you today