Sundial Medicine Wheel

Location: Centennial Centre for Interdisciplinary Science (CCIS)


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The floor is a ten-color epoxy terrazzo design reflecting the scientific research conducted at the University of Alberta, from a 300 ft. plesiosaur to neurons, fractals, subatomic particles, and stars. In total, the divider strip runs over 7 miles in length and more than 5,000 gallons of epoxy were poured. The terrazzo contains aggregates crushed from windshield glass, mining byproducts and various marble.


This image is an aerial representation of the Sundial Medicine Wheel that is located near Lethbridge in Blackfoot territory.


Some people may see this an acknowledgment of the significance behind Indigenous Traditional Knowledge. Since it has been carefully selected to go into the floor plan with other important scientific discoveries and tools.


Some people may find the placement of the actual image odd, as it is cut off by a stairwell, thus providing the image of an incomplete Medicine Wheel. This may provide an analogy of the relationship between the University and Aboriginal peoples.



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