IA human-sized bronze figure looks up towards a giant individual with a red lit steel rectangular frame torso, bronze legs and a bronze head.

InScope, 2015

Bronze, stainless steel, linear LED lighting; sculpture

Dam de Nogales

Veronica de Nogales LeprevostBorn Barcelona, Spain, 1970Edwin Timothy DamBorn Hamilton, Ontario, 1970
University of Alberta Museums Art CollectionUniversity of Alberta Museums2015.7.1
Lowercase I in a black picture frame that links to this work of art on the UAlberta Museums Search Site.

InScope was commissioned as part of a gift from the Li Ka Shing (Canada) Foundation to the University of Alberta which founded the Li Ka Shing Institute of Virology and the Li Ka Shing Centre for Health Research Innovation. InScope alludes to the creative exploration that transpires within these buildings, and the new discoveries that positively impact those outside of its walls. The figurative elements in the work are a reminder that “health is for the people” and that “knowledge bestowed is a great gift”. The vibrant red hue on the inside edge of the geometric space, focuses on the human body as a canvas of medical research and discovery. The life-size human figure gazing upward, accentuates the vastness of this exploration.

Married artists Edwin Timothy Dam (Canadian) and Veronica de Nogales Leprovost (Spanish) have worked together since the late 1990s. Combining iron and bronze as well as the abstract and figurative, their sculptures have increased in scale over the past two decades. More than 25 of their works can be seen in Spain, Italy, the United States, and Canada, in various cities and at educational institutions including at Bristol College (Massachusetts) and the University of Toronto. All works are signed under the unified name Dam de Nogales.