The Mactaggart Art Collection

"Truly a jewel in the University of Alberta Museums Art Collection, the Mactaggart Art Collection constitutes a remarkably rare collection of East Asian art, one that rivals any other like it in the world. This collection also underscores the global vision that inspires the University of Alberta, one that attracts a higher percentage of international students and scholars from East Asia than any other Canadian university."

- President Bill Flanagan

The Mactaggart Art Collection was established at the University of Alberta in 2004 as the result of a significant gift of art and artifacts from Edmonton philanthropists Drs. Sandy and Cécile Mactaggart. Additional gifts in 2005 and 2010 brought the total number of museum objects from ancient and modern East Asia to more than 1,000 rare works of art, including textiles, costumes, paintings, handscrolls, albums, and engravings. The Mactaggart Art Collection became the largest single donation the University of Alberta has received from an individual.

The Mactaggarts began collecting and documenting Asian art in the early 1960s. Over the next 40 years, they put together one of the world's finest privately-held collections of East Asian art. The Mactaggarts had deep and lasting connections with the University of Alberta which inspired their desire to donate to the university in support of research and teaching. The Mactaggart Art Collection has won national research awards and attracts international scholars, researchers, and museum professionals to the university to access and study this world renowned museum collection.