Wednesday, July 19, 2023

[In progress]

08:00 am - 06:00 pm Registration Open

09:00 am - 10:30 am Keynote and workshop  (Aula Magna)

chaired by Luisa Marquardt (Roma Tre University)

Keynote: Giuseppe Carrus, Full Professor of Psychology, Roma Tre University, Department of Education - People-Environment Relations, Sustainability and Wellbeing: a Psychological Perspective

Workshop on Engaging students in reading  through reading circles and collaborative  projects and the Agenda 2030, facilitated by Donatella Fitzgerald (English Language Learning  Consultant Pearson)

Lightning Talk: Silvia Canavesio, Regional Sales Manager EBSCO - Academic & Government:  EBSCO Explora platform: high-quality searching and content

10:30 am - 11:00 am Coffee Break

11:00 am - 01:00 pm Concurrent Sessions and Workshop 

11:00 am - 12:00 am Concurrent Sessions

Workshop (Room 33) Janine Asmus - Healing Power and Impact of the School Library & School Librarian

Professional (Aula Magna) Kay Hones - Mentoring as Professional Service Learnings

Professional (Aula Magna) Elizabeth Burns & Jessica Thompson - Practicum Experiences in School Library Preparation Programs

Professional (Room Audiovisivi) Dianne Oberg - Intellectual Freedom Issues for Students in Your School: Are We Ready?

Professional (Room Audiovisivi) Assel Zhurumbayeva & Aida Agadil - Creating a Reading Culture: Children's Book Year in Kazakhstan

11:00 am - 13:00 pm Concurrent Sessions

Research (Room 6 Centro Formazione) Beatrice Eleuteri - Dimensions of Adolescents’ Reading Motivation

Research (Room 6 Centro Formazione) Kimberly Reichenbach Krutka - Expectations and Understandings of Critical

Research (Room 6 Centro Formazione) Chao-Chen Chen & Yun-Fang Tu, Yi-Chin Chen, Ning-Chiao Wang - Library Funding and Reading Promotion

Research (Room Arrambide) Denis Kos & Mihaela Banek Zorica - What can student theses tell us about educational role

Research (Room Arrambide) Dianne Ruffles - Transformative Learning

Research (Room Arrambide) Mary Ann Harlan - ReReading and its impact on practice

12:00 am-01:00 pm Concurrent Sessions

Workshop (Room 33) Anna Bognolo & Valerie DiLorenzo - Relentlessly Reaching Readers

Professional (Aula Magna) Hosea Tokwe - Dare to Dream: Building Rural Community Libraries in Zimbabwe

Professional (Aula Magna) Margaret Muthiga & Brenda Stephens - International Literacy Project - USA & Kenya

Professional (Room Audiovisivi) Luisa Marquardt - From darkness to light: School library as a transformational agent of bereavement

Professional (Room Audiovisivi) Stacey Taylor - Creating a Sanctuary for all in School 

01:00 pm - 02:00 pm Lunch (“La Salle” Restaurant)

02:00 pm – 03:00 pm Concurrent Sessions and Workshop

Workshop (Room 33) Valerie DiLorenzo - Social Media: Rewired for Good?

Professional  (Aula Magna) Margaret Muthiga & Luke Rottok - Role of Oral Stories in Promoting Community Libraries

Professional  (Aula Magna) Antonija Lujanac & Maria Fe Nicolau, Sophia Adeyeye, Mayasari Abdul Majid - Expressing Emotions through Virtual Storytelling

Professional (Room Audiovisivi) Manheri Othayoth Raghunathan - Artificial Intelligence and Multimedia facilities in school libraries: Possibilities for the future

Professional (Room Audiovisivi) Kimberly Reichenbach Krutka - 3D Design & Robots in the School Library

Special Interest Group - Information Literacy (Room 6 Centro Formazione)

Special Interest Group - Education (Room Arrambide) Judy Henning & Sherry Crow, Lucy Santos Green, April Dawkins - Book Challenges and the Impact on Student's Intellectual Freedom: How are school districts handling the onslaught of book challenges?

03:00 pm - 04:00 SIG Meetings | Regional Meetings | Workshop

Regional Meetings (Rooms "Africa" - "Asia" - "Central/South America and Caribbean" -"Europe" - "Middle East" - "Oceania" - "North America" - "International Schools")

Workshop (2nd turn) (Room Audiovisivi) - Donatella Fitzgerald (English Language Learning  Consultant Pearson) - Engaging students in reading  through reading circles and collaborative  projects and the Agenda 2030 

04:00 pm – 04:30 pm Coffee Break

04:30 pm - 05:30 pm WOW - Windows on the World (Aula Magna)

05:30 pm – 06:30 pm IASL AGM - Annual General Meeting (Aula Magna)

08:00 pm – 10:30 pm IASL Gala Dinner with Grand Auction and music performed by "The Un_Duet" (Casa La Salle Restaurant)

[Registration mandatory at latest onsite by 09:00 am of the 19th of July]