
IASL 2023 Partners

[in progress]

Institutions, Associations and Organizations interested in collaborating with IASL 2023 are welcome!

For any enquiry and further info, please, mail to:  Dr. Anna Cascone,

IASL 2023 thanks the following Institutional and Associational Partners  (and those who have already expressed their interest and will be collaborating with us soon)!

Sotto gli auspici del Centro per il Libro e la Lettura

Under the auspices of the Cepell - Center for Book and Reading of the Italian Ministry for Cultural Heritage

CEPELL - Centro per il Libro e la Lettura

The Center is an autonomous institution of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage of Italy. It aims at  implementing policies for the dissemination of books in Italy, promotion of reading , as well as promoting Italian literature and culture abroad. The Center represents a reference point both for the professional publishing world and for the younger generations to encourage them to read. 

SIBIS - Sistema Integrato Biblioteche Innovative Scolastiche (i.e., Integrated System of Innovative School Libraries)

ICCU - Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico delle biblioteche italiane e per le informazioni bibliografiche

The Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of Italian Libraries and Bibliographic Information (ICCU) was created in 1951 as the National Centre for the Union Catalogue and was given its current name in 1975, following the constitution of the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities (Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali).  The ICCU promotes and coordinates national census of manuscripts (Manus), of Italian editions of the sixteenth century (Edit16), of libraries present in Italy (Anagrafe delle Biblioteche Italiane). It coordinates and paricipates in national and international projects. It takes care of the training activity in the various areas of competence.

AIB - Associazione italiana biblioteche (i.e., Italian Library Association,, established in 1930. Among its branches (Regional Sections, SIGs etc.), the CNBS - Commissione nazionale Biblioteche scolastiche (School Library National Standing Committee, aib-cnbs)

AIE - Associazione italiana editori (i.e., Italian Publishers' Association,, established in 1869, is the oldest Italian trade association. It represents Italian publishers at both the national and international level. The Association is the main data source on reading habits, the publishing market, as well as cultural and educational consumption, essential drivers of national growth. AIE is one of the founders of Confindustria. Publishers represented by AIE make up over 90% of the Italian book market. President is Ricardo Franco Levi, while Managing Director is Fabio Del Giudice. AIE is divided into four publishing groups: Trade publishing, Small publishers, Educational, Academic and professional. AIE takes part in several committees and working groups set up by main national institutions, with the aim of enhancing book publishing, promoting books and reading, protecting copyright and triggering innovation and professional growth in the publishing market. AIE is active at the European and international level, too, as founding member of IPA (International Publishers Association) and FEP (Federation of European Publishers).

AsPeI - Associazione Pedagogica Italiana (i.e., Italian Pegagogical Association,

EBLIDA, the European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation Associations, is an independent umbrella association of library, information, documentation and archive associations and institutions in Europe.

EBLIDA has been representing the community Hub of Libraries in Europe, striving towards an equitable, democratic and sustainable society, since 1992.

EBLIDA is committed in promoting the implementation of the SDGs in libraries.

ANP - National Association of Public Managers and High Professionals of Schools (formerly Associazione Nazionale Presidi), established in 1987 in Rome, is the biggest  school managers' union in Italy. Since 2002 ANP has also welcomed Highly Professional Teachers and since 2014 all categories of public managers can join.

IBBY Italia  promotes reading and children's literature. It is committed in improving school libraries, too.

Outstanding Books for Young People with Disabilities (Exhibition during IASL 2023!)