Week 13

School Discipline & (Over)policing

In-Class Writing Assignment

What is the "school-to-prison pipeline"? How do school's disciplinary practices relate to issues of power and identity? If the school-to-prison pipeline is a feature of the U.S. educational system, then what is a core purpose of the U.S. educational system? How, if at all, does this relate to the Horace Mann's original arguments for common schools? How, if at all, does the school-to-prison pipeline relate to federal accountability policies related to testing or tracking? How might schools disrupt the school-to-prison pipeline? How does this relate to Ladson-Billings' ideas of "culturally relevant pedagogy"? What about Keenan's "critical trans pedagogy"?

Wed., Nov. 29

There are no readings assigned for this class. Continue to work on your final.