Week 10

Identity Affirming Pedagogy

Mon., Nov. 6

Content Warning: This week has content that may be disturbing for some students. If you have concerns about engaging with this material, please let me know and I would happily discuss any concerns you may have. If you ever feel the need to step outside during this week's discussions, either for a short period of time or for the remainder of the class, please feel free to do so.

Astle, S., McAllister, P., Emanuels, S., Rogers, J., Toews, M. L., & Yazedjian, A. (2020). College students’ suggestions for improving sex education in schools beyond 'blah blah blah condoms and STDs.' Sex Education.

Keenan, H. B. (2017). Unscripting curriculum: Toward a critical trans pedagogy. Harvard Educational Review, 87(4), 538-556.

Total Pages Assigned: 37

In-Class Writing Assignment

According to Keenan, what is a "critical trans pedagogy"? What does it look like in practice? What are Keenan's core arguments for why the U.S. education system should adopt a critical trans pedagogy? How is this similar to or different from how the U.S. educational system currently operates? Place Keenan's theory of critical trans pedagogy in conversation with other pedagogical theories that we have covered so far this course (progressive, liberatory, banking, decolonizing, etc.). How are Keenan's theories similar to or different from other pedagogical theories we have encountered? How does Astle et al.'s article on sex education fit into the purposes of education we have reviewed thus far? Why has sex education not come up until now? Where does sex education fit into Horace Mann's vision for the common schools movement?

In-Class Activity Guide

Wed., Nov. 8

There are no readings assigned for this class. Please work on your final. 

A draft of your final is due for peer feedback on Monday, November 13.

In-Class Group Activity

Choose a topic from the National Sex Education Standards. In small groups, choose a grade/age for which you want to generate curricular resources. Skim through the National Sex Education Standards to find a learning objective or standard related to your chosen grade/topic. (Hint: scroll down to pdf pages 20-55.) Choose a standard that you think would be an important part of cultivating a gender-affirming learning environment. 

Find 1 or 2 books that address your chosen standard in ways that you think would be meaningful for this age group. Explain why you selected these books. Design 1 or 2 activities related to your topic of choice that match the needs of this age group.

For curricular resources related to gender and LGBTQ+ inclusivity, check out Welcoming Schools and GLSEN. For inspiration, watch Woke Kindergarten!

Sex Education State Laws / Policy Charts