Alvaro Brito


Alvaro Brito is currently a 21st Century Learning Specialist at Compton Unified School District. My objective as a technology coach is to expose and train educators to shift their pedagogy to a student centered learning environment. Alvaro helps lead the effort to support Blended Learning technologies at Compton Unified as well as our Project Based Learning initiative happening district wide. As a previous Social Studies Educator and Technology instructor, challenging students with real world problems that ignite the 4C’s (communication, critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity) was the mantra in the classroom. Students learn by doing and working towards solving problems all around them.

An educator with a Master's Degree in Teaching from the University of Southern California and a Master's Degree in Educational Technology from California State University, Fullerton. Currently enrolled in in the Ed.S Educational Technology Program at Boise State University. This site will be used as a repository for my EDTECH 521 - Online Teaching K-12 artifacts.

Alvaro Brito Intro.mp4