Password Reset

Passwords expire every 60 days.

Use the Forgot your "Login/Password?" link on the sign on page

You will receive an email with instructions to follow to reset your password.

Skyward Family Access - Reset Password

Passwords do expire every 60 days.  

I would suggest you set a Calendar Event/Reminder to repeat every 45 days to remind you to change your password so you do not get locked out.

You can ONLY change your password from the web version of Skyward.  There is a mobile app version for Skyward but you cannot change your password using the app.

Note! You can only change your Skyward password on a computer. You cannot change a password from the Skyward Mobile App.

Step 1 - to change it before it expires.

Select "My Account"

Step 2

Select "Change Password"

Step 3

Enter your current password

Next enter your new password

Retype the newpassword

Click "Save"

TIP!  You must use 5 different passwords before you can go back and re use any of them again.

Mobile App Users!

Remember to go update the new password in the mobile app too.

Emails To Reset Password

Below are SAMPLES of what the emails look like, and the steps to follow, when you request a password reset.