When you need a substitute to cover your absence, follow these steps to prepare. 

1.) Enter your absence in Aesop as soon as you know you will be out.  In the comment section, make sure you indicate your grade level.  

If you are an HBIS or Independent Study teacher, please also include that information.

2.) Reach out to edtechteam@tusd.org as soon as you know who has been assigned to ensure your substitute's account is properly configured.

3.) See the Substitute Protocol information below for either In-person or HBIS/Independent Study teachers. 

Substitute FAQs

⚠️How do long-term subs get access to Clever and textbook materials?
In order for long-term substitutes to gain access, school site offices must make them the lead teacher in PowerSchool. Once the main teacher returns, they will be switched back as the Lead Teacher again. 

📣 Do daily substitutes have access to Clever or online textbooks?
No, they do not have access to Clever or online textbooks because they don't have a PowerSchool roster.  Subs can access Schoology if you contact the EdTech Team. 

Can I leave my Surface Pro for my subs? Can they log into my Surface Pro?
No, substitutes cannot log into Surface Pros. IT does not enable substitute logins for Surface Pros. Teachers, please do not leave your Surface Pro for substitutes. 

In-Person Teachers

*See Technology Protocols for Substitutes below.* 

HBIS/Independent Study Teachers