To keep your account and information secure, Torrance Unified School District recommends the following safe practices.  

Enabling 2-Step Verification

As an added layer of security, users can enable 2-Step Verification for their Google account.  Upon logging in to a new device, this will require you to enter your regular password and provide a second step of verification (see options below) to grant permission.  You will be notified anytime your account is logged into a new device.
2-Step Verification eliminates access to your account without your permission, even if hackers know the password.

How to Enable 2-Step Verification

1.) Watch the tutorial video (on the left) that walks you through the process of enabling 2-step verification.

2.) Click the link below to enable 2-step verification in your Google account: 

🔑 As a 2nd step of verification, you can 🔒
choose from the following options:

1.) Receive a Google prompt on your phone (so long as you are logged into your Google Account). 

2.) Use the Google Authenticator app to get verification codes at no charge, even when your phone is offline.
                          (Available for Android or iPhone.)

3.) Receive a text message with a verification code.

4.) Use an 8-digit backup code. These printable one-time passcodes allow you to sign in when away from your phone. 

Click on the left image to watch the 2-FA demo training video created by Gil Mara in December 2022. 

Create a Unique Password

Passwords provide the first line of defense against unauthorized access to your computer and personal information. The stronger your password, the more protected your computer will be from hackers and malicious software.

TUSD requires a password change at least once per academic year in order to be in
compliance with fully electronic attendance.  You will be prompted via email to do so by TUSD. 
Look out for an email announcing the dates for this year's password reset. 

Password Reset Reminders:

1.) Your password should be at least 8 characters long. Password should consist of lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers and symbols. A long password will offer more protection than a short password if it is properly constructed.

2.) Do not use personal information such as your name, age, date of birth, child’s name, pet’s name, or favorite color/song when constructing your password.

3.) Avoid consecutive keyboard combinations (i.e. qwerty or asdfg).

4.)  Always log off/sign out if you leave your device unattended.  You can do this by simply pressing the lock button on the side of your Surface Pro (by the volume + button) or the Windows + L keys.

5.) Never share your password with anyone.

6.) Never write down your passwords on a sticky paper and hide underneath your workstation or telephone. Somebody will find it.

Adapted from University of Iowa Information Technology and Google.  Images from Prosperwalk, Durham District School Board, Techwell, Yubiko Security Key, and PandoraFMS.