Below are the directions for creating Schoology Groups and adding members.  All teachers, administrators, and staff have the ability to create a Schoology Group.  Schoology Groups may be created for grade level PLCs, staff resources, content areas, etc. 

How to Create a Schoology Group & Add Members

1.) Log into Schoology with your TUSD email and password at 

2.) Click on the Groups tab at the top and select My Groups in the upper right corner. 

3.) Click on Create Group on the right hand side. 

4.) Give your Schoology Group a name, add a description (optional), adjust the privacy and access settings, and select a category (optional).  Your Schoology Group will be affiliated with your school site.  When you are finished, click Create.

5.)  To add members to your Schoology Group, you have two options:

a.)  Share the Group Access Code with members you wish to invite

b.)  Manually add members

I.) Click on Members in the left navigation menu

II.) Click on + Add Members at the top

III.) First, select the member's school.  Then, type in their name. Select the user and check the box to "Add members without invite."  You can add more than one member to your Group at one time (from the same/different school). When you are finished, click Add Members.

IV.) You can make a member an admin of your Group, which allows them to edit (add/delete content, add members, etc.).  To do this, click on the gear icon ⚙️ next to their name and click Make Admin

V.) You can also delete members by clicking on the gear icon ⚙️ next to their name and clicking - Remove