Schoology makes it easy to both copy individual materials from one course to another, as well as save materials/courses to your Resources.  Teachers might like to save materials or entire courses to their Resources for ease in posting future curriculum.

Keep in mind, once you save those materials to Resources, it will not update the collection with any new resources added after that time. In other words, wait until you are finished adding all your course materials to that course before saving them to your Resources.

How to Save Entire Courses to Resources in Schoology

1.)  Go to your Resources (tab at the top) and create a new Collection (ex. Chemistry of the Earth) 

2.) Go to the Schoology Course you would like to save. On the Materials page, click on Options and select Save Course to Resources

3.) Select the Collection you just created, then click Submit. It will save all those materials in a folder within the Collection. 

4.) Navigate back to your Resources, click on the new Collection (ex. Chemistry of the Earth), and view the folder with your course's materials. You may want to click on the gear icon to edit the name of the folder to include the year for future reference.

How to Import Saved Course Materials from Resources to a New Course

⚠️ Attention: All materials import into the course as published. ⚠️

Workaround: Import those materials into an unpublished folder instead. Or, simply copy materials one at a time from an archived course (find these directions here).

1.) Navigate over to your new course's Materials page (or destination folder). 

2.) Click on Add Materials, then Import from Resources: 

3.) Select the Collection where you put your saved Course Materials, then click on the folder containing those materials. You can check the first box next to Title if you wish to import all of the course materials.  Otherwise, check the box(es) next to the individual materials you would like before clicking import: