Canva & Schoology Integration

Canva is integrated with our LMS, Schoology. You can log into Canva from Schoology, as well as post your Canva creations in your Schoology course. 

How to Access Canva in Schoology

      A.) Go to

      B.) Select a course in which you are an admin (a.k.a. teacher)

      C.) In the left navigation menu, click on Canva for Education

      D.) You may need to select your TUSD Google account

      E.) Canva will open in a separate window. Have fun and explore!

Ways to Use Canva with Schoology 

(but not limited to these options...)

      A.) Embed Canva creations in your Schoology course as a page

      B.) Share an editable Canva template link for students

      C.) Embed a Canva creation into the description for a Schoology
      D.) Share a link with students to simultaneously collaborate
(like Jamboard, see Canva PD Slides)