Physical Space


In order to help students find and select books, library staff should feature select titles outward facing.

    • It is ideal to arrange titles by genre, subject or interest.

    • Each site should have a "new books" section and/or recently returned books section.


  • Custodians supply libraries with school approved cleaning supplies. If a site is running low library staff can place a building SSO Request and the custodian will refill the supply.

  • Staff should avoid using outside cleaners with the exception of magic erasers.

  • Each site's custodial team should vacuum the library regularly, library staff can contact that team with any questions.

  • Whoever uses the space is responsible for cleaning up after they are finished. If there are any issues with groups that use the library space, library staff should connect with a representative of the group to develop a solution.

  • Custodians are not responsible for dusting bookshelves through the school year though they may dust the tops during the summer by request. Library staff can request supplies if needed for their own dusting and cleaning tasks.

  • Library staff should not clean up pathogens such as blood or vomit. Please call the main office if a pathogen issue arrises.