Grading Policy

All graded assessments will be sent home in the Friday Folder. You may work with your child to make corrections and return them in the Friday Folder for Monday morning. I will regrade and update the grade in Powerschool. Their new grade will be an average of the old grade and corrected grade. Your child MUST have a parent signature on the corrected item in order for me to accept them. If there is a red “Please Correct” stamp on the paper, then the correction is not optional. The student must correct their work and turn it back in. If there is not a stamp, the a correction is optional. Anything, even a A or B, is allowed to be corrected.

Grading Scale

A 90 - 100%

B 80 - 89%

C 70 - 79%

D 60 - 69%

F 0 - 59%