
How Do Parents Fit Into the Diner?

This year will be an incredible year of growth for you and your child. You are such a big part of your child's life, so the goal from day one is that we are all part of a beautiful team.  The dynamics of this team are similar to what you experienced in both kindergarten and first grade, with one distinct difference: independence.  This year is the year to develop a new level of independence.  High Ability in its design allows children to build their foundation of independence while tapping into what they can do academically and personally.  They have always exceeded the work given to them, but now we will push those limits.  That is where you will come in.  You are going to be their biggest cheerleader and encourager. Don't worry, I will do that, too, but I will also build that solid foundation for them to achieve those higher levels.  They won't always think they can, but we will all work together to remind them they can.  You are also there to let me know when they hit a wall or feel too much pressure.  That's when our teamwork will be the most important.  That won't always mean it is time to lower standards, but it is time to reevaluate the delivery and intensity.  You know them best, and I rely on that.

Our team's key features include extended hours, play performance sharing days, newsletters, picking up the phone and calling, and open communication. I want you to know I will love your child every day without fail. I have been a teacher for a long time, and I take my job very seriously. As my grown kids say, "Mom, you love BIG."  

Good Books to Read 

Important Links for Parents

             How to get to our Google Classroom at home (Google Classroom)