Reading and Writing

Reading and Writing

Creating an environment that fosters the love of reading and writing is the goal of our entire day in the Diner.  It is essential to learn the skills and strategies in language, writing, and reading authentically and apply them.  I know this is an elementary classroom, but stay with me.  Imagine the power of simply loving to both read and write.  If we give children the tools to find success and confidence, they won't shy away from these pieces.  Yes, the goal is to develop lifelong learners.  Reading and writing are both valuable parts of my free time.  I want that for my entire class.

Mini-lessons are used to learn the craft of reading, writing, and language skills throughout literacy time.  This process does not involve worksheets that your child will be bringing home but instead incorporated into their authentic reading and writing each day. 

I am confident you are wondering exactly how that is done authentically.  The main difference between a worksheet and doing something authentic is the literature used.  Instead of using a piece of writing a student needs to be invested in, I use something your child is reading or writing in class in addition to class novels, book clubs, and mentor texts.  For example, if we are learning about cause and effect, we know what these terms mean during mini-lessons and then find examples of cause and effect relationships in a book we read as a class or in small groups.  Then, as the week progresses, they will see examples of cause and effect in something they are writing and in a chapter book they are reading.  The whole goal is to take learning to the next level.

Reading Units of Study

Reading Units of Study by 9 Weeks:

Students also "Read in the Wild."  The love of reading occurs when students read widely and choose their path.  This time provides the practice field for this.  The goal is for every child to read chapter books.  There has been a magic number of 40 chapter books in the Diner for years, but this year, we are taking a bit of a different spin.  The goal is to build the love of reading, not hit a specific quota.  Yes, we will celebrate the chapter books read, but there is no longer a magic number.  The goal is to read and learn the value of the love of reading.  In class, we will read class novels and nonfiction with partners, then come together to discuss those books in book clubs, and then choose chapter books from the Diner library, BCE school library, and any public library to enjoy at home and during reading time at school.  Let's see where this year takes us.

Writing Units of Study

Students also write each day in the Diner.  We learn to write a variety of different genres.  Students utilize a Writer's Notebook:  their Muddy Boots for daily writingMy crew will also be in a writing club, similar to reading book clubs for writing.  We also write "compressed" writings to build stamina.