Housing Resources

Housing Resources Section: Finding Stable Housing

Finding safe and affordable housing is a fundamental need for families. In this Housing Resources section, we've gathered resources that provide valuable housing assistance programs and services. From rental subsidies to outreach initiatives, these organizations are dedicated to helping low-income individuals and families secure stable housing.

Affordable Housing Resources:

Sacramento Emergency Rental Assistance (SHRA): Call 916-449-1266, email sera@shra.org, or visit https://www.shra.org/ for information.

SHRA (Sacramento Housing & Redevelopment Agency - affordable housing): Explore options at https://www.shra.org/other-affordable-housing-options/.

SHRA Wait List: Apply for low-income housing at https://sacwaitlist.com/dashboard.

HUD (Housing & Urban Development - affordable housing lists): Access resources at https://www.hud.gov/states/california/renting.

Sacramento Cottage Housing (permanent supportive housing): Discover more at https://www.cottagehousing.org/.

Hope Cooperative (aka TLCS) (housing for families with psychiatric disabilities): Visit https://hopecoop.org/.

Sacramento Self-Help Housing (tenant rights, housing resources, & lists): Get information at https://www.sacselfhelp.org/.