
Counseling has three foundations rooted within the understanding an individual must engage their Mind, Body, and Spirit completely before a true understanding from all perspectives can assist to approach any issue or ailment. Though other environmental factors and persuasions pay contributions to outcomes, we eventually learn we only have control over our Self, and the Three Foundations which establish us.


Willow trees have long been revered as a tree of mystical symbolism with wood uniquely having so many useful properties. The tree's persistence is evidenced by a lone twig or branch falling among the worst of conditions only to thrive against all odds of its survival. Too, the wood's incredible flexibility allows bending WAY beyond typical wood breaking points, and being able to return to its functional shape.

These lessons speak to the resilience of we humans; our own ability to forge through the toughest of times, and our tenacity when placed in uncommon positions. Our goal at Triple Willow is to help our community discover how to harness the three rooted foundations, Mind, Body, and Spirit, so each individual may find their own ability to grow in any situation.

-Founder & CEO

Don Othello McCall,

The Therapy Pup

Counseling can be scary, and trying a new office can be stressful; I help you feel more comfortable by loving on you, and letting you pet me in return. Training was tough, but I worked hard to be where I am today; I'm certified, registered, and live for the part. Now let's get to work.

I go everywhere my human goes; I took my first plane ride Christmas 2017, and TSA was so impressed with how well I listened to their instructions ... off leash. I even got to stare out the window as the clouds passed by, and I watch the earth become smaller and smaller.

It says it all on my shirt; "Pet me, it's my job." I'm here if you need me. I can't wait to meet you and show you around.

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