
Topics in Quadri for Windows allow you to communicate with other participants in a Quadri project. The command will give access to one of two currently available Topics services: BCF Topics in a Connected Project or Quadri Topics.

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Working in a Connected Project - BCF Topics

If you are working in a Connected Project, you will automatically access the BCF Topics feature. 

Create topics by clicking the plus sign in the Topics pane and add description, assignees, priority, status, and more. Add views, comments, markers, and more. 

BCF Topics is part of Trimble Connect; you will access the same project specific Topics both in Quadri for Windows and in Trimble Connect. 

Quadri specific aspects of BCF Topics

The user guides above also apply to the BCF Topics in Quadri for Windows. There are, however, a few aspects that differ between Quadri and Trimble Connect


Markers are currently displayed in all presentation setups - and follows the type configuration in the Connected Project. Learn more about Markers

Model Selection

Creating Topics in Quadri requires selecting models in Trimble Connect in order to ensure that proper views are generated. Learn more about Model Selection

Link Model Objects 

It is possible to associate selected features/model objects to a Topic in Quadri - learn more about Linking Model Objects

Features that are not activated in Quadri

Currently these features are not activated when accessing Topics in Quadri for Windows:

Working in a Project on premise - Quadri Topics

If you are working in a Project on premise, you will automatically access the Quadri Topics feature. This can also be accessed in Quadri for Browser