Create a Single User Model and a Binder

Create a Single User Model and Binder

Find it here: (see to the right)

2. From the New Quadri Model dialog, select a suitable Quadri Model template. See Coordinate Reference System (CRS) for guidance on selecting a CRS.

3. Accept the default (Quadri Model) name from the template (or change it to something suitable).

4. Key in a location for where you want to store the Quadri Model folder, select from the location drop-down, or click Browse to browse to a location.

5. Accept the default Binder name from the template (or change it to something suitable).

If you create a new Quadri Model when a binder is already loaded, the binder part will not be visible and the new Quadri Model will be added to the current binder.

6. Check the Create folder for Binder box if you want to add a folder with the same name as the binder.

See below for more tips on this.

7. Click OK.

8. Depending on the Quadri Model template, a Quadri Model wizard might open for selecting a Coordinate Reference System (CRS) and Feature Type Catalog.

9. Finish the New Quadri Model wizard.

A Quadri Model file set will now be created, based on the Quadri Model template and the choices you have made during the wizard.

Create a Folder for a Binder

Quadri Model File Set

All files but one are named [Quadri Model name].GDx. One file is named [Quadri Model name].QuadriModel. This is the file you browse for when opening a Quadri Model (Generation 4) from a file location.

Create an empty binder without a workset or local Quadri models.

1. Click Create a Binder.

Find it here: (see to the right)

A dialog pops up for browsing to file location.

This dialog always starts at the folder where you previously created or opened a binder.

2. Browse to a file location for where to store the binder file, and give the binder a name.

3. Click Save.

The binder is now shown In the Explorer pane.