
Class is  a sub-task of the specific classification that is made, therefore a class task can't exist without a classification. Class task, consists of a code and a description of that task. 

A class can be created by yourself if you have made your own classification. However, in most cases, you can use standard classification template that are national standards for each country, or you will be assigned a standard template from the responsible ones when you work on a project. When you use a standard classification template, the class are all pre made which means you don't have to create class. 

The preview under shows how class with it's code and description might look like when use of a standard template classification under the explorer tab, in my case its a Norwegian road standard classification with it's own class. 

The red marked in the preview right is standard classification from the template, and the green marked is it's classes.  

If you right-click on a class and select "edit task," a menu will appear that allows you to insert an object into a class. You can do this by selecting "select features" and then choosing "features," not "tasks".

As it is presented in the preview below: 

For example, I specify that the object "asphalt" should be placed under the first class if it pertains to asphalt. 

As it is shown in the preview below: 

Once done press finish and save your project. 

Next topic: Attachments