Cannot Reserve a Task

Trying to reserve a WS task, but reservation does not go through

Look in the "Progress" window, there should be lines stating which objectID is giving problems here. Write down one such objectID. Then right click on the cloud symbol of the project in the "Explorer" window and select "Go to ObjectID". Enter the objectId you found and close this window. In the "Properties" window, you will see which task this object belongs to. Try to reserve that task first, then again the WS task you want to reserve.

While reserving a task, you get the error message:

Something went wrong

<Date and time>

Terminating "Reserve" due to a detected fatal discrepancy...

If you have no pending changes, the quickest fix will often be to disconnect the workset and download a new. If that doesn't help, there is an error in the model on the server and you can try the following:

If you look in the process window, you will most likely see a message there telling which object or netelement is the problem.

To fix this on the server, Trimble Support will need you to do the following:

See: how to contact Trimble Support.

NB! This problem often is related to WS tasks in Novapoint. If you are working with WS, please take a look at this: Best Practices.