School Closure Parent Resources

School Closure Resources For Our Community!

We are in some unprecedented times right now with the pandemic of COVID-19. As we are required to be closed, we want to still provide you with as many resources as we can to help get you through this time. Early childhood is a joyous time but it is also very intense since the work of young children is to learn how to navigate in the world and community around them. This learning comes through trial and error and lots of boundary pushing. This learning also comes though play and wonder. We hope that we can help give you some ideas of how to navigate with your child at home! Our community has always been the foundation to our wonderful program. Let's pull together to support each other the best we can during this time.

Evolving Resource List

Zoo Cams

Songs, Stories, Children's Yoga (to watch and listen to)

  • Storyline - Stories Read Aloud to Kids - ad free! Comes with learning experiences to accompany the story, if desired. Available only in English.

Helping your child cope with stress or the understanding of the outbreak


Resources for Parents

  • Toolbox support. We adapt the tools from the toolbox for our preschool program. Here is a new offering that toolbox is offering geared towards use at home.

Get Outside!

    • Update: All parks have been closed but you can still explore in your backyard or neighborhood.