Family Participation

How Family Participation Works:

Our school relies on, and relishes in, our parent community being involved in the program. We require all families to sign up for 1-2 recurring jobs to take on for the school year, or you may use the "buy out" option of completing parent hours (although we'd rather have your involvement on campus!). The jobs average to about 2 hours per month. The jobs are per family, so if you have two children in our program, you only need to sign up for the typical 1-2 recurring jobs. Anyone from your family community can participate, so feel free to invite those aunties/uncles or grandparents!

The more involved you are in your child’s school, the deeper and richer the experience for all! We have a few general areas of participation and ask that you choose at least one. Specific jobs will be sent out, but the following are a few examples:

Monetary ("buy out") or in-kind donations of needed supplies can also be credited toward family participation at a rate of $20/hour (with the idea that parent jobs average about 2 hours per month). For example, a $40 toaster oven would equal 2 hours. We know that some families don't have the extra time to help us out in person, so we have a payment trade to aid us in purchases of other "wish list" items for the program. Site Directors will regularly check in about parent hours and anyone who isn't able to fulfill their parent job commitments will be asked to "buy out" their hours instead. We do this twice a year: at the end of December and the end of May.

Parent Meetings:

Parent education meetings are held several times a year at each campus, typically two in the fall and two in the spring. These meetings are free to you and provide valuable insights into child development. It also fulfills our goal of working together as a parent/teacher team and being on the same page. You must plan to send at least one member of your household to each meeting with the exception of missing one meeting per school year as we understand that schedule conflicts happen. If you need to miss more than one meeting in the school year, you may opt for the "buy out" option. Meetings are for grown-ups only but babies in laps are always welcome.

Campus Wish Lists:

Redwood Amazon Wish List

Redwood Non-Amazon Wish List 

Please confirm with Josey before purchasing so we can make sure things haven't already been purchased for us! 

Creekside/Adventure Wish List: Updated Regularly

Parent Hours Log