COVID-19 Information

COVID-19: Quarantine and Testing Policy

                                                                                                                 *****Updated August 26, 2023*****

Please take every step you can to reduce the risk of Covid exposure to the THH community.

If you have had a known exposure to Covid please:

Quarantine and Testing Guidelines

Exposure- Infectious Period & Close Contact:

The infectious window for Covid-19, the time in which someone can transmit the virus to others, begins 2 days prior to symptom onset, or test date if the person does not have symptoms. The person will continue to be infectious for at least 5 days after symptom onset. The CDC’s definition of a close contact is below:

What counts as close contact?

*Please note close contact is about proximity. You can be a close contact whether or not masks were worn, or the exposure occurred indoors versus outdoors.

Please note, guidance has recently changed regarding isolation and quarantine. 

Positive Cases- Isolation Protocol:

Anyone who has tested positive - they should stay home and isolate for a minimum of 5 days, beginning the day after their symptom onset (or the day after their positive test date, if no symptoms).


Day 0 = 1/4 (symptom onset or test date)

Day 5 = 1/9 (last full day of isolation if symptoms not present or resolving AND a diagnostic specimen* collected on day 5 or later tests negative)

Day 6-10 = 1/10-1/14 (wear a well-fitted N95 or KN95 mask around others if released after day 5)*

Day 10 = 1/14 (last full day of isolation if ineligible for earlier release)

*After ending isolation (no fever without the use of fever-reducing medications and symptoms are improving), confirmed cases may remove their mask sooner than Day 10 if they have two sequential negative tests at least one day apart. If antigen test results are positive, the person may still be infectious and should continue wearing a mask and wait at least one day before taking another test.

For nappers: If you are released after day 5, and are attending school with a well-fitted N95 or KN95 mask, your child will have to go home during rest time if they sleep at school. Since children are unmasked while sleeping, we are trying to keep the other nappers all clear. You can still attend the morning program or ask your site director about your child skipping nap during this time. 

Once you contract Covid, you would be considered recovered after you complete the isolation period. You would be exempt from quarantine for any future exposures for 3 months after infection. If you are exposed again in 3 months from now, you would need to quarantine again. 

THH School Protocol if your child tests positive: 

Close Contacts- Quarantine Protocols:


Table 2: Close Contacts – (No Quarantine)

Asymptomatic Persons Who are Exposed to Someone with COVID-19 (No Quarantine)

Recommended Actions

Everyone, regardless of vaccination status.

Persons infected within the prior 30 days do not need to be tested, quarantined, or excluded from work unless symptoms develop.

All close contacts:

Should consider testing as soon as possible to determine infection status and follow all isolation recommendations above if testing positive. Knowing one is infected early enables (a) earlier access to treatment options, if indicated (especially for those who may be at risk for severe illness), and (b) notification of exposed persons (close contacts) who may also benefit by knowing if they are infected. If testing negative before Day 3, retest at least a day later at least once, during the 3–5 day window following exposure.

Close contacts who were previously infected in the last 30 days do not need to test unless symptoms develop. Close contacts who were previously infected in the last 31–90 days should test using an antigen test, even if asymptomatic and regardless of vaccination status, given the increased transmissibility and increased repeat infections with the circulating Omicron variant and the higher likelihood that they may be infected. 

So here's a sample protocol timeline based on the above information, for people who were exposed in their household, but do not have symptoms:

Day 0 = 7/8 (last day of exposure)

Day 1 = 7/9 (first day of "quarantine", wear a well fitted mask around others)

Day 3-5 = 7/11-7/13 (soonest testing date if they develop no symptoms)

Day 6-10 = 7/14-7/18 (wear a well-fitted mask around others if released after days 3-5)

Day 10 = 7/18 (last full day of masking)

Testing is required every morning before attending school during the 10 day "quarantine" period, so we know they are at least clear at the start of the day. Please email the results to the site director and executive director. Kids this age aren't always reliable in telling us that they feel off. We have plenty of tests at school (currently) if you want a staff member to set some out for your family! Just text the school phone and say how many you'd like if that would be helpful to you. 

Kids who are masking will be monitored and helped to have some space from the group if they need a mask break. They will also have a little space while unmasked at lunch time. If your child naps, they will either go home at rest time, or you can opt to join "rest nest" and stay masked.

More Resources For our Community:

Comparing Cold, Flu, Allergies, Covid