ICTTE 2022 Program

November 2th, 2022

11:00 am, Hall 325, Faculty of Technics and Technologies af Yambol

ICTTE 2022 Opening and Plenary Session 

Google Meet Room: https://meet.google.com/yim-qkma-bqy

The Plenary Paper

Prof. Kostadin Kostadinov, PhD Challenges for research development and the role of scientists in innovation

03:30 pm, online

The Plenary Session, Second Part

Google Meet Room: https://meet.google.com/iny-mtsr-npx

The Plenary Paper

Prof. Yordan Kyosev, PhD, Technical University of Dresden, Germany Dress up, Dance and Digitally Dive into Culture


November 3th, 2022

10:00 am

ICTTE 2022 Sessions

Hall 226, Faculty of Technics and Technologies af Yambol

Mechanical Engineering, Agriculure and Transport Technics, and Energetics

Chair: Petko Tsankov

Secretary: Sivelina Delcheva

Google Meet Room: http://meet.google.com/taf-yfvm-wgg


10:00 am: Petya Atanasova Analysis of the Agricultural Sector in Bulgaria - Investment, Profitability and Regional Policies

10:10 am: Nely Georgieva, Vasil Hristov Analysis of accuracy when printing linear dimensions with a 3D printer Ultimaker S3

10:20 am: Vasil Hristov, Nely Georgieva Study of the hardness of details made by 3D printing with different filling of the model

10:30 am: Nely Georgieva, Petko Tsankov, Ivan Binev, Krasimir Ivanov, Vasil Hristov State of the energy market produced by animal biomass and prospects for development

10:40 am: Neli Georgieva, Petko Tsankov, Vasil Hristov, Kalin Kirov State of the energy market produced by animal biomass and prospects for development  in Bulgaria

10:50 am: Ivan Binev, Sivelina Delcheva, Krasimir Ivanov Analysis of the regulatory framework for regulating microclimate parameters in livestock farms

11:00 am: Sivelina Delcheva, Ivan Binev, Krasimir Ivanov Analysis of the state of the livestock sector in Bulgaria

11:10 am: Petko Tsankov, Neli Georgieva, Stoyan Atanasov, Valentin Dimov Study of the mass and energy balances of the processes “evaporation” and “condensation” of water in a laboratory setup

11:20am: Petko Tsankov, Petar Stoyanov, Shteryu Shterev Complex laboratory stand for visualization of “laminar-turbulent” regimes of fluid flows and characteristics of pumps

Hall 112, Faculty of Technics and Technologies af Yambol

Fashion and Textile Design and Technologies

Chair: Zlatina Kazlacheva

Secretary: Zhulieta Ilieva

Google Meet Room: https://meet.google.com/wap-yiba-jqr


10:00 am: Mykola Riabchykov, Viktoriia Mytsa, Yuri  Androshchuk, Liubov Romanenko The structure of the use of electronic labels in smart clothing

10:10 am: Mykola Riabchykov, Oleh Lytvyn,  Anastasia Safonova Optimization of textile material characteristics for patient care for the purpose of reducing the friction factor

10:20 am: Svitlana Kuleshova, Juliya Koshevko, Olesia Ditkovska, Svitlana Korol Prospects for the use of polymer materials for the design of special purpose clothing

10:30am: Svetlana Kuleshova, Oksana Zakharkevich, Galyna Shvets, Olena Luschevska Implementation of digital techniques in the curriculum of clothing designer's training

10:40 am: Sunanda R. Kalakannavar and Geeta Mahale Quality characteristics of nano natural dyed cotton yarns

10:50 am: Angelina Kosinkova-Stoeva Investigating Fashion Designs Inspired by Colours of Minoan Costume

11:00 am: Krasimira Radieva Cristobal Balenciaga – An Investigation of Shaping in Design of Women’s Dresses

11:10 am: Irina Ruseva, Zlatina Kazlacheva Zero Waste Fashion Design of Historical Costumes

11:20 am: Krasimira Genova, Zlatina Kazlacheva The Slow Fashion – a Review

11:30 am: Zhechka Hristova, Zhulieta Ilieva Design of Women’s Clothing Based on Sustainable Constructional Elements of Historical Costumes 

11:40 am: Petya Dineva Investigation of Shibori Technique Applied in Sustainable Fashion Design  

11:50 am: Zlatin Zlatev Application of natural dyes to textile fabrics in the context of sustainability

12:00 pm: Gergana Mecheva An Investigation of Women’s Latino Dancing Costumes

12:10 pm: Zhulieta Ilieva, Georgios Priniotakis, Daiva Mikučionienė, Zlatina Kazlacheva, Zlatin Zlatev Digitization of Elements of Aprons of the Bulgarian Folk Costume


Hall 220, Faculty of Technics and Technologies af Yambol

Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Authomatics and Computer Technologies

Chair: Tanya Pehlivanova

Secretaries: Antoaneta Dimitrova, Apostol Todorov

Google Meet Room: https://meet.google.com/qra-auoy-cdq


10:00 am: Alexander Tanev Buildings Consumptions Efficiency Driven by Buildings’ Intelligence

10:10 am: Ivelina Peneva, Albena Bekyarova, Dobri Yarkov Basic methods for statistical data processing in biology

10:20 am: Andrian Minchev, Vanya Stoykova Approaches for reporting of activities and assessment of students' knowledge in the Moodle system

10:30 am: Dobromir Klimov, Antoaneta Dimitrova, Krasimira Keremidchieva Development of a principal diagram of a stand for brushless dc motor testing

10:40 am: Miroslav Vasilev, Dzheni Karadzhova, Violeta Vateva, Zlatin Zlatev Selection of informative spectral wavelengths for determination of the influence of low soil moisture on the photosynthetic apparatus of cucumbers

10:50 am: Selma Büyükgöze Working from home after Covid19: Twitter sentiment analysis

11:00 am: Svetoslav Atanasov, Celal Karaca, Vaida Steponavičienė, Jovita Urnikienė & Krasimir Georgiev An Remote Approach Of Teaching PLC Programming

Hall 113, Faculty of Technics and Technologies af Yambol

Food Technologies

Chair: Krasimira Dobreva

Secretary: Stanka Baycheva

Google Meet Room: https://meet.google.com/qqv-sxus-zmf


10:00 am: Nikolay Nikolov, Violeta Nikolova, Silvia Peeva Chemical and Technological Assessment of Oriental Tobaccos Produced in Macedonian Tobacco Area

10:10 am: Radka Bozhinova, Violeta Nikolova, Nikolay Nikolov, Silvia Peeva Mineral Composition of Tobacco Varieties (Ecotype Krumovgrad) from Different Micro Regions of Gotse Delchev Area

10:20 am: Ivo Ganchev Biosurfactant from Bacillus subtilis 170 strains inhibits multispecies biofilm formation

10:30 am: Ivo Ganchev Delignification of lignocelluloses sources  using pretreatment strategies for biomethane production

10:40 am: Toncho Kolev The flour from secondary products of fruit and vegetable processing - sources of biologically active substances and their application in bakery production

10:50 am: Violeta Paskova Extraction as a method for the production of enriched extracts

11:00 am: Toncho Kolev, Ira Taneva, Milen Dimov, Zlatin Zlatev Determination of the appropriate amount of walnut flour in white wheat bread

11:10 am: Francisc Szabo, Giorgiana Raluca Crainic Appropriate amount of basil seed flour in crackers


November 4th 2022

10:00 am, Hall 225, Faculty of Technics and Technologies af Yambol

Presentation of Erasmus+ and Projects Activity at the Faculty of Technics and Technologies of Yambol

Google Meet Room: https://meet.google.com/ajn-inrk-dab