
Courses to be taken

2. Doctoral program

Course registration

<AY2024 Period for course registration>



A syllabus describes the content to be taught (outline), learning goals (knowledge/skills students can gain from studying the subject), teaching method and content of each class, grading method and criteria, textbooks, and required preparation and review.

Grades/announcement of grades

The academic performance of students is assessed in a comprehensive manner based on their remarks in classes, responses to assignments, daily commitment to classes and results, and other factors.

*When the academic performance of students cannot be assessed due to their poor class attendance, failure to take examinations, failure to submit reports, or other reasons, they are considered ineligible for assessment, and a "*" mark(ineligible for assessment: failure)is given as their grade. In addition, a "T" (Transfer) may be used as a passing grade in order to recognize credits for study abroad, study at other universities, and credits already earned prior to enrollment etc.

<AY2024 Schedule for the notification of grades>

           (Fall semester)     around end of February