Determination of supervisors/submission of the Notification of Thesis Title

Determination of supervisors / Submission of the “Notification of Thesis Title”

When preparing a master’s degree thesis or a research paper*, or a doctoral thesis (甲KOU), students need to determine their academic supervisors and decide the title of their thesis or paper after consultation with their academic supervisors about the content of their research.

* Research paper A review of the research paper or a master’s degree thesis is performed only for the following courses according to the purposes of the graduate schools and courses.

Research advising system

In some cases, researchers who are playing an active role in off-campus research institutions may be in charge of research advising as visiting professors, in addition to full-time instructors in our university, in order to promote the sophistication, revitalization, and globalization of education and research in our graduate schools.

     [Graduate School of Science and Engineering / Graduate School of Interdisciplinary New  Science

The co-supervisors in the related departments and outside the university can be added to the above numbers (for details, please check with the Education and Student Affairs Division).                                For the doctoral program, there will be total of 3 professors, ( 1 supervisor and 2 co-supervisors).  However, by the decision of the  supervisor, the number of sub-supervisors may be three. 

      [Graduate School of Information Sciences and Arts]

The sub-examiners in the related departments and outside the university can be added to the above numbers (for details, please check with the Education and Student Affairs Division). An academic supervisor who has achieved enough results in English to provide advising for writing thesis in English takes on the advising of students, using his/her expertise, so that students can conduct world-class research and write theses that are acceptable by international standards.

Determination of academic supervisors/submission of the “Notification of Thesis Title” and a research proposal outline (students enrolled in the doctoral program only)

Registration due date for AY2024

Spring Semester (for Spring Entrants)5/7Tue

Fall Semester (for Fall Entrants)11/8Fri

Graduate students taking courses offered by undergraduate departments (for students enrolled in 2017 and later)

Students who wish to take courses offered by undergraduate schools (including courses with various qualifications) while enrolled in the graduate school of the university may do so as undergraduate non-degree students (non-matriculated students / non-degree students) after undergoing a designated selection process. For details, please refer to the application guideline for non-degree students.

Non-matriculated students・・・Students who wish to take specific courses to enhance their education and deepen their theoretical knowledge. Students who wish to acquire qualifications such as a teaching license.

It is necessary to complete the application procedures for undergraduate Credited Auditors (scheduled for early March). If you do not complete this procedure, you will not be able to take courses offered by the undergraduate school. A registration fee is required in addition to the graduate school tuition.

If you wish to become a student with various qualifications in order to obtain a teaching license, there are restrictions on eligibility for application, including the requirement that you are a graduate (or expected to be a graduate) of an undergraduate program. Credits earned as an undergraduate non-degree student will not be counted toward graduate school completion requirements.

It is scheduled to be published in February every year, so please check the Toyo University website.

Course number

A code for an academic discipline and a stage of study (level of difficulty) are allocated to each course to enable students to take courses in a sequential and systematic manner.

Course codes and numbers indicating the stage of study are shown to students who enter the university in or after AY 2016.