Membership Services

A ROTARY AWAY WEEKEND! - 19th - 21st April 2024 - Organised by Conrad Dower.

It's not all work being a Towcester Rotarian! 29 members and partners enjoyed a 2 night break at a Best Western Hotel, the Chilworth Manor in Hampshire. On Saturday members were left to explore the area. Historic Portsmouth was closer by, some went to the Maritime Museum, others went to the National Trust site at Mottisfont Abbey. During the weekend two of the club's members enjoyed a BIG birthday, which was celebrated by all members and partners. The weather was perfect and all enjoyed the break.

If you want to know more about the Rotary Club of Towcester and what we do, send an email to or visit the club's website at

BROOK HOUSE CARE HOME becomes the latest Rotary Corporate Member of the Rotary Club of Towcester. Seen here is President Paul presenting the Certificate of Corporation to Rtn Rhiannon Croft, manager of Brook House watched by Rtn Julie Wood also of Brook House.

If you would like to know more about the Rotary Club of Towcester please send an email to or visit the website

The 4th April, 2024

WELCOME MELISSA  - The Rotary Club of Towcester welcomes its newest member, Melissa who was inducted at tonight's meeting. Below is a photo of President Paul and Melissa with her club sponsor, Rtn Howard.

If you would like to know more about the Rotary Club of Towcester send an email to or visit the club's website site or give Howard a call on 0758 356 1034

A Welcome to our newest Corporate Member.

14th March 2024.


The Rotary Club of Towcester welcomes it's 4th Corporate Member, Whittlebury Park. 

Here President Paul is seen presenting Marc Webster, Commercial Director of Whittlebury Park with a Certificate of Membership. This was witnessed by District Governor, David Kendrick and members of the Rotary Club of Towcester.

Corporate membership enables a company or business no matter how big or small to gain greater connectivity with the local community.

If you are interested in Corporate Membership or indeed becoming a member of Rotary in Towcester, please send an email to, visit the Club's website on

Here we see John Evans, proprietor, receiving his Certificate of Corporation.

WELCOME TO THE MILL BREWERY - the latest Corporate Member to join the Rotary Club of the Towcester family. Here is John Evans, proprietor, receiving his Certificate of Corporation. Welcome.

For further information about being a member of Rotary in Towcester and, if you are a business and would like to know more about being a corporate member, then send an email to or visit our web site

A Rotary Fun Night - Held at The Old Mill Towcester. 

(One of our Corporate Members)

A ROTARY FUN NIGHT AT THE MILL - Games night was enjoyed by the Rotary Club of Towcester and our wives, with a number of pub games followed by a pizza and cake meal. #Dominos Towcester provided excellent pizzas which was followed by a selection of decadent chocolate cakes supplied by the #ARTea Room from Potterspury. 

The evening was an example of the fellowship side of Rotary and demonstrates the fun the club has in its socials.

If you would like to know about your company being a corporate member do contact us. (

If you want to know about the Rotary Club of Towcester and Rotary in general why not come along to an Open Evening at the Mill Brewery on Wednesday, 28th February from 7.00pm to 9.00pm. Come along and meet the team, enjoy a drink with us and view the work we do.

For further information send an email to or visit our web site

Visit to the Safety Centre Milton Keynes 18th January 2024

FUN & FELLOWSHIP - On 18th Jan a number of members had a social evening with a visit to the MK Safety Centre aka Hazard Alley. 

The tour was extremely informative and thanks goes to Tracy, Johnathan and Iain for showing us around.

This was followed by an excellent meal at the Old Talbot in Potterspury.

This is an example of the 'Fun & Fellowship ' that is part of the Rotary ethos.

If you want to know more about the Rotary Club of Towcester please visit the club's website or call Howard on 0758 356 1034...

The Towcester Rotary Club Christmas Meal 20th December 2023.

20th December, 2023 ROTARY is also about fellowship and enjoyment. The Rotary Club of Towcester and friends enjoyed their Festive Meal at the Saracens Head.

If you are interested in what Rotary does,  particularly in the Towcester community, then why not contact us. Send an email to or give Howard a call 0758356 1034...

On the 20th December 2023 several members of the club visited "The Becket Rotary Club" for their annual Jokers breakfast. It was well attended with approx. 70 Rotarians from a number of clubs. Two of our Rotarians that's Frank and Conrad told jokes,  Conrad came Third. 

Its always a good meeting and I know that quite a lot was raised for the Becket Rotary Club Charity's

As a Member of a Rotary Club you can visit clubs all around the UK and indeed around the World

THE ROTARY CLUB OF TOWCESTER on the 8th December we welcomed Nigel Wickens as our 6th new member of 2023 at last evening's meeting. 

Nigel says he recognises the main aims of Rotary and it's service in the community. Welcome Nigel.

Seen here with President Paul and Rotarian Allan Bell...


23rd November 2023. 

It's not all about charity, there is Fun and Fellowship in Towcester Rotary and last night proved the point, when the members of the Club took up the challenge from the ladies of the old Towcester Inner Wheel Club.

The Annual Tom Knowlton Challenge. This was held at the George Inn at Tiffield. Members and guests took part in various pub games - skittles, shove ha'penny, etc and then enjoyed a supper of traditional sausage and mash.

A good evening enjoyed by all...Oh, the winners were the Rotary Club, which means the club has to organise next years event!!!

If you are interested in Rotary or the Rotary Club of Towcester, then why not send an email to or give Howard a call on 0758 356 1034 for more information.


21st November 2023 well done for an excellent P/T evening with so many local organisations represented and being given the opportunity to display what they have to offer to the younger generation of Towcester. The Rotary Club of Towcester were represented by Rtns Mike and John who met a number of parents and their children and explained the Rotary Youth Competitions and how their children could participate.

If you are interested in Rotary and the services they offer to the local community then why not send an email to or give Howard a call on 0758 356 1034....


The Rotary Club of Towcester sent 4 of it's brainiest Rotarians to Wellingborough to take part in the heats for the District's Big Quiz. The team did very well coming 2nd out of 10 teams.

Rotary is not all about charity, but fun and fellowship as well. If you want to know more about what Rotary does in Towcester why not come along to one of our meetings at the Saracens on a Thursday evening. Send an email to or give Howard a call on 0758 356 1034.


On the 12th October The Rotary Club of Towcester welcomes our newest member, Rtn Joe Howard. Seen here at his induction with Towcester Club's President Rtn Paul and Secretary Rtn Adrian. 

We hope you enjoy your Rotary as much as we do.

WELCOME...WELCOME...WELCOME to our latest new members. Rtn Rhiannon and Corporate representative Rtn Julie. They were welcomed to the club at Thursday night's meeting. Rtn Rhiannon manages Brook House care home in Towcester and was previously a Rotarian before relocating to Towcester. Rtn Julie is representing the club's 3rd Corporate Club, Brook House.

Both are excited to becoming part of Rotary and looking forward to supporting the club in their local endeavours of supporting the Towcester community and Rotary as a whole. Here is a photo of President Paul and Rtn Howard welcoming Rtn Rhiannon and Rtn Julie to Rotary membership.

If you would like any further information regarding Rotary in Towcester please send an email to or by calling Howard on 0758 356 1034 

GAMES NIGHT - Otherwise known as Minor Sports

 A most enjoyable evening of pub games against The Rotary Club of Northamton West was held at The Plume of Feathers, Wedon Bec. Unfortunately we lost 9-15. However a great evening was enjoyed by all with a supper and lots of fellowship. Congratulations Northampton West.

If you would like to know more about Rotary and Rotary in Towcester why not contact us. Send an email to or call Howard on 0758 356 1034

BEER & BANTER  27th September - A positive night at the Mill Brewery, Towcester, during which The Rotary Club of Towcester were able to display their activities in Towcester and around the world. Particular attention was given to younger members of Towcester with an emphasis on the forthcoming Rotary Youth Competitions - watch out for further details.

A big thank you to all those who attended. For further information about Rotary and how to get involved in Towcester send an email to or contact Howard on 0758 356 1034


ROTARY SANTA is on his way to ALDI.

He will be there  Friday, Saturday and Sunday (01st, 2nd and 3rd). So why not pop along and say hello. 

Bring along your letters to Rotary Santa or send your pressy 'likes' by email to <>

. He's looking forward to meeting you all....

FESTIVE GREETINGS  from the Rotary Club of Towcester...

ROTARY SANTA  Ho...Ho...Ho...

Dont forget any donations given to Santa help to support our work with Local, National and International Projects