
Application  応募方法

TUJP Winter 2024-25

Applications will be open soon!

Individual students can now apply directly. Fill out the application form and upload the necessary documents by the deadline.

If the application is completed successfully, an automatic message will be sent to your registered email address.

■TUJP Schedule 2024-25Winter - Google スプレッドシート.pdf


If you cancel after the decision has been made to hold TUJP, Tohoku University will not refund any fees you have paid.

If Tohoku University decides not to conduct TUJP after you have paid, you will be refunded all fees you paid to Tohoku University minus any refund handling fees.

Regarding refunds for other arrangements you make individually for this program, please check the relevant companies' refund policies yourself.

-TUJP In-Person Enrollment Limit

This program is limited to 50 students. In the event that more than 50 people apply, we will conduct a selection process after the application deadline, and announce the results on the Admission Notification Date.

「TUJP In-Person 定員について」定員50名を上回る応募があった場合には、締め切り後に選考し、参加の可否を Admission Notification Date(受入通知)の時点でお知らせします。

■Required documents■

Ⅰ. A certificate of enrollment at your university or transcript from the previous academic year in English(在籍証明書もしくは成績証明書、英語表記のもの)

Ⅱ.Submitting Personal ID: Please submit a copy of your passport (photo page).(身分証明書の提出について: パスポートのコピー(写真のページ)の提出をお願いします。)

Ⅲ. Copy of English language ability certificate and scores (not required for English native speakers)(英語能力証明書:英語ネイティブスピーカーを除く)

Ⅳ. Result of online Japanese test(日本語テスト結果)Please choose the “SPOT90 + Grammar90 + 漢字SPOT50” Online Test  (Refer to ■ Japanese Language ability)

   *Note that the results of the online Japanese test are used to balance the number of students in the appropriate classes.

  *We will share the participants list with the international affairs office at your university, if requested.