The Dropout Prevention Framework


The Manual for Reducing Student Dropout Rates in Vocational Schools through  Discovered Best Practices

This guide presents a structured approach to understanding and addressing dropout in vocational schools using best practices identified through our research.

The framework adopts a comprehensive strategy to reduce dropout by understanding the underlying causes and implementing appropriate preventive measures.

We encourage the user to:

Based on our research, we have collected most popular practices implemented in European vocational schools and ratings of some of these activities.


To collect dropout prevention methods and evaluate their effectiveness, survey responses were collected from 261 Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers across Europe.

Overall, data was received from institutions in 28 countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden.

Read further about the survey summary here.

Five Major Risks (categories)

Three Phases of Prevention Planning

The problem tree helps you understand the dropout problem you are trying to solve by analysing its causes and consequences.

You can create your own tree from scratch or use ours as an example with in your team.

In the course of the project, through questionnaires and workshops, prevention activities used by respondents to reduce dropout rates were collected and rated.

The effectiveness of the activities was assessed by specialists representing European vocational schools

Only 12 preventive actions were proposed in the survey, the effectiveness of which was assessed by the respondents.

Statistics of common approaches are based on responses to open-ended questions in the surveys on preventing dropout in vocational schools.

Activities and best practices to reduce dropout rates in risk categories were shared by the repondents.

New practices discovered were grouped, ranked by popularity and visualised to enhance the clarity of the information

How to Read Prevention Activity Table in Phase B


The columns represent five major risks, which are sorted from left to right in descending order of their impact on the dropout problem.

Using the Likert scale dropout risks were assessed, with ratings ranging from "1" (negligible risk of dropping out") to "5" (Very high risk of dropping out).

Prevention activities:

The rows show prevention activities practised to reduce the risks.

The activities in the table are filtered by the popularity of the solution (detailed statistics in Phase C and reports) and sorted by the rating of its effectiveness.

The shades of the same colour are used to show efficiency levels.


Under the prevention activities is the evaluation of its effectiveness. The average rating was found in the course of the questionnaire.

"1" means the prevention activity is considered to be completely ineffective, "3" is considered to have a neutral effect and "5" means being very effective in reducing dropout rates.