Autumn Term 2023: Week 2 15/09/23

Week 2

We have had another great week at Tithe Farm. The children continue to model the Tithe Farm Way whilst they are in school. We have been especially pleased with how smart everyone now looks in their uniform.

Reception have now finished their transition into school and have completed 2 full days of learning. It has been lovely to see how confident they are becoming in the setting and how much they are enjoying their provision. I am sure they will sleep well tonight!

Are you following our socials? We have a Facebook, Instagram and Twitter account - please do give us a follow and see the things we get up to in school!

Please remember that Big Fun Club (morning and afternoon) must be booked 24 hours in advance, this is to ensure that we have space with the number of adults who are working on this day. 

School lunches must also be booked in advance. They must be book by the Thursday before the week you would like the dinners. 

Friends of Tithe Farm

We are very pleased to announce that the Friends of Tithe Farm (FOTF) are reforming this academic year and have lots of plans to raise additional funds for our school.

On Friday 22nd September FOTF will be holding 2 recruitment sessions (10:30 & 2:30). If you would like to help in someway please do come along to the school office at this time - there will be refreshments available!

New Books!

A huge thank-you to Friends of Tithe Farm who donated £1500 to the school library.

This donation has allowed us to update our non-fiction texts so that we have up-to-date texts which link to each of our new curriculum cycles.

Mrs Madden has been working hard to put them all on the library system; as soon as this has been done, I am sure you will begin to see them being brought home. 

People of the World

Following a lot of work from our teachers, we have organised our curriculum into four 10 week blocks across the year. This allows our children to have enough time to immerse themselves in their learning and develop a deeper understanding of the topic.

Our first topic this term is a new topic: 'People of the World,' this is a history based topic which is looking at influential people and ancient civilisations who have helped to shape the world we live in today. When you come to our oracy endpoints you will find out about all of our learning.


Parking outside our school is a constant area of concern for the school and local residents. It is vital that when you park to drop off or pick up your children that you are safe and considerate in the way that you do this. Please ensure that you:

We do have regular patrols by a traffic warden who is monitoring the situation carefully.

Making Me

As part of our personal development offer for our children we have partnered with a local charity to implement a programme called Making Me. This programme supports emotional wellbeing and helps children to build resilience.

On the 25th September Making Me will be coming to school to launch the programme to the children and then during the year Key Stage 2 will take part in workshops which compliment and enhance the programme.


Whole School Attendance this week: 

We can not emphasise enough the importance of good attendance. Everyday in school ensures that your child receives the education which they are entitled to. 

Statistically, children who are persistently absent from school achieve less well than their peers who have good attendance.

We have a number of rewards for good attendance at Tithe Farm, these include: