Unit 3, Activity 1

Planning for Conversation

Unit 3, Activity 1: Planning for Conversation

1. Review these two short resources on perceptual positions

2. Think about a recent difficult or awkward interaction with either a colleague and consider the following questions:

  • In that interaction, what percentage of the time were you in first position? second position? third position?

  • What percentage of time was the other person in first position? second position? third position?

  • What would a neutral 'fly on the wall' have observed about this interaction?

  • How could you use perceptual positions to have a more effective meeting with your administrator?

3. Review the Seven Norms of Collaboration and consider the following questions:

  • What norm(s) will be most important for me to pay attention to when I have my administrator conversation?

  • Why?

4. In your Leadership Conversation Portfolio, respond to the following question with a short (max. 200 word) journal entry:

  • As I prepare for conversations with building and district leaders, how can I use intentional strategies in order to effectively engage in productive discussions and planning?