About the Library

Library Services

We offer a wide range of school age fiction and non-fiction books, magazines, and professional school literature to inspire and support Thornhill Primary School students and staff. We also offer access to eBooks, databases, and other web resources for online learning. Special services include student and staff readers advisory, research help, and technology support.

Library Programs

We provide high quality school library programming. This includes interactive story-times, literacy-building rhymes and songs, puppets, themed crafts, and library and research training.

Library Spaces

In our main floor hallway home, we offer an engaging library space within which students and teachers can research, read, collaborate, and create. Computers are available for student research and educational use. Students can make use of the Library during their breaks, during their library programs, and before and after school. A School Librarian is available for support during school hours. Come visit us!

Thornhill Primary School Library, Non-Fiction Seating