Student FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I contact my teacher if they are not on campus?

Email is the best way to stay in touch with teachers!

If I have trouble accessing course material, what should I do?

First, contact your teacher directly by email to troubleshoot.

If there is a technical problem that cannot be resolved by this initial contact, email

I experience a poor connection to online meetings or classes.

Wireless devices should be as close to your internet router as possible. If you are able, you should connect your devices to the router through a cat5 ethernet cable. If your tablet does not have a cat5 port, you can purchase a USB to cat5 adapter from BestBuy for $30.

I am not receiving expected emails.

Be sure to check your spam folder or your junk email folder. You can either add the sender to your contact list, or report the email as Not Spam to prevent this in the future.

I'm stressed out about this remote learning format--what should I do ?

First, understand that we are all learning together in this new format. If you are having some discomfort with the online tools, that's ok. Reach out to teachers for clarification on assignments or work submission procedures if things are unclear. We are asking everyone for patience and flexibility as we transition into this unfamiliar territory.

If you're feeling particularly stressed, there are some great resources provided by Ms. Ilic on the Counseling/Mental Health page of this site! Take a break from work and go for a walk, play with a pet, listen to some music. These simple activities can reduce stress quickly. Also, feel free to email Ms. Ilic at as well to ask questions or seek additional resources as needed.